Support our challenge
If you or your company would like to support our efforts to show that age is no barrier to attempting "the impossible", then we'd love to hear from you.
Our Race Across America 2019 challenge will cost £50,000 - this includes:
RAAM entrance fee
Use of an RV
Flights for four Serpentine Golden Girls
Flights for ten volunteer crew members
Two x support vehicles
Equipment such as bike parts and clothing
To find out more about how you could support our efforts, please contact us on serpentinegoldengirls@gmail.com.
In return for any sponsorship, we will offer you exposure on our Instagram and Twitter pages, as well as this site and on clothing used during the race. We will also ensure a mention in any press coverage we receive.
Thank you to
We extend our sincere thanks to the following businesses and individuals are are supporting our challenge so far: